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twitter手机号格式 注册twitter手机号码不正确如何解决

admin twitter 2020年11月16日

  推特是使用非常广泛的社交平台,有很多的使用者,很多朋友表示自己注册推特时会发生各种各样的问题,比如手机号码收不到,或者输入验证码却提示该手机号码出差,下面为大家介绍一下twitter手机号格式 注册twitter手机号码不正确如何解决。


  2、接下来是重点,进入以后会提示你 需要手机号,自动化之类的(实际上就是为了防止机器注册),直接忽略就行了,然后去邮箱里,激活twitter。现在已经完成一半了,此时你的账户依然是suspended(冻结)的,所以我们需要给客服发邮件,进入推特帮助中心(网页右上角头像——帮助)。

twitter手机号格式 注册twitter手机号码不正确如何解决


  Can I unsuspend my account?

  You may be able to unsuspend your own account. If you log in and see prompts that ask you to provide your phone number or confirm your email address, follow the instructions to get your account unsuspended.

  Are you seeing a message that your account is locked? Your account may also be temporarily disabled in response to reports of spammy or abusive behavior. For example, you may be prevented from Tweeting from your account for a specific period of time or you may be asked to verify certain information about yourself before proceeding. Take a look at this article for help unlocking your account.

  File an appeal and we may be able to unsuspend your account. If you are unable to unsuspend your own account using the instructions above and you think that we made a mistake suspending or locking your account, you can appeal. First, log in to the account that is suspended. Then, open a new browser tab and click here to file an appeal. We’ll take a look and respond as soon as possible.

  直接点 click here 进入页面


twitter手机号格式 注册twitter手机号码不正确如何解决


twitter手机号格式 注册twitter手机号码不正确如何解决




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标签: twitte注册  
